Premium Manufacturers,
Full Service Supply Chain

Work with the world's best manufacturers. Manage quality with full factory and production transparency

Get Started
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Proven & Vetted Manufacturers

Search over 5k manufacturers with reputable client history and visually transparent factory audits of their products, facilities and production capabilities.

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5k+ High Quality Manufacturers

Vetted by video based audits for full transparency

Factory Profiles

With video clip embedded audit reports for context during your review

Historical Performance Data

Highlighting positives and negatives of past client orders

Submit RFQs

Receive quotes from multiple manufacturers, compare offers

Make Informed Decisions

Every manufacturer onboarded is vetted by strict factory audits. Using Veribuy software, inspectors POV record their visit and embed video timestamps for every report input, providing you unique context and transparency for decisions, comparisons and negotiations.

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R&D Sampling Capacity

Reviewing their team, processes, software and machinery

Production Line Walkthrough

Evaluate manufacturing effectiveness and compliance within ISO 9001 QMS standards

Machinery Types & Conditions

Equipment suitability, maintenance and operational effectiveness

Storage Facilities

Conditions, organization, safety and efficiency of inventory management

Packing Processes

Evaluating packaging methods & equipment to ensure product protection and quality during storage and shipment

Quality Control Systems

Assessing the effectiveness of procedures to ensure consistent product quality and adherence to regulatory standards

Hygiene, Health & Safety

Evaluates workplace conditions and practices to ensure compliance with safety standards

ROHS Check

Manufacturing processes and materials adhere to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive, ensuring products are free from specified hazardous materials

Social Responsibility & Compliance

Evaluates adherence to ethical practices and regulatory requirements, ensuring fair labor conditions and responsible business practices

Environmental Impact

Assesses practices and controls to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and minimize the company’s ecological footprint.

Employee Interviews

Assesses staff conditions, understanding of quality management processes and their adherence to established procedures

Management Interviews

Evaluates leadership's commitment to customers & quality, their understanding of key processes, and their role in driving continuous improvements

Request Full Service Order Management

Your dedicated account representative will work with you to achieve goals in price negotiations, setting up & executing production, adapting quality control and organizing shipping to your destinations. Focus on growing your business while an expert team handles your product goals.

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Dedicated Account Representative

Expert in your product field will communicate with you & manage your order from start to finish

Product Specification Assistance

To confirm product details between you and the factory

Price Negotiation Assistance

Leverages our buying power to negotiate competitive prices

Sample Ordering

From design assistance to prototyping and delivery for your approval

Quality Control Planning

Through our certified ISO 9001 Lead Auditors

Quality Control Inspections

by ISO certified inspectors, reviewed by your account rep

Video Embedded Quality Control reports

Capture every moment of inspections for context, full transparency & accountability

Container Consolidation & Shipping

Options offered to you, using our network

Customs Filing

Through a certified broker, managed by your account rep

Trucking & Last Mile Delivery

Options offered to you, using our network

Process Optimization & Improvements

Provided after your order for your review

Reliable Quality Control

Checklists are designed around particular products and stages of production, following ISO9001 standards. During inspections, Veribuy inspectors complete the comprehensive checklist, while recording the full inspection for data reliability and transparency.

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Production Monitoring & Spot Checks

Record compliance with established quality standards and effective video recorded detection of any deviations or defects

Specification Adherence

Checks finished products against samples/specs to consistently meet predefined requirements

Quality Of Assembly

Assesses the accuracy and consistency of assembled products to ensure meeting design specifications and quality standards

Quality Of Workmanship

Evaluates the precision & perfection of products & to ensure products are free from defects


Via procedures and specialized equipment to validate product performance and compliance with quality standards


Audit & tests ensures that packaging effectively protects product quality, adheres to specifications and complies with regulatory requirements

Container Loading Check

Ensures product safety, efficiency and adherence to shipping and handling requirements

Custom Requests

If client has requirements outside of our standard scope

Shipping & Logistics

Get shipping options and logistics management for your orders. From container consolidation, customs filing, trucking and last mile delivery. Our shipping team manages your goods and keeps you up to date, ensuring your products arrive safely and on time.

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Get Quotes

Our network provides you with quotes from some of the largest shipping companies in the world


Leverage our shipping volume to get discounts on freight consolidation

Clear Customs

Work directly with proven customs agencies experienced in the product categories we service

Trucking & Delivery

Coordinated trucking & delivery services from port to your door


Get Access & Unparalleled Transparency Into The Best Manufacturers In The World

MarketplaceFREESearch Products & Factories
Access To 5k+ Vetted Manufacturers
Factory Audit Reports
Historical Factory Performance Data
Full Service$1499/OrderFully Managed Order
24/7 Dedicated Account Rep
Manufacturer Matching
Custom Factory Audit Reports
Historical Factory Performance Data
Product Price Negotiation
Spec & Sample Coordination
Quality Control Planning
Full Service Logistics Management
Process Optimization/Improvements Report
Certified Quality Control Inspections

Why Veribuy

In the sea of the Alibaba marketplaces and trade shows like the Canton Fair, where there's hundreds of thousands of manufacturers all promising you the stars, it can be difficult to identify which factories are actually trading companies, lying about their capabilities, conduct unethical practices or are even scammers.

Unless you visit the factories themselves, online reviews can be bought, 3rd party inspection reports can be bribed and you can end up burnt. This is why we've built our own in-house software to fully video record factory audits and quality inspections from start to finish.

This allows us to verify our manufacturer data, hold manufacturers accountable and even embed video clips into your reports for efficient transparency and added context to every line of information. No more opaque PDFs.

Our dedicated software builds audit and inspection reports that are fully video recorded so we never miss a detail. This lets us accurately collect manufacturing data in order to quickly and effectively adapt to issues mid production, and enforce accountability of both our manufacturers and inspectors.

We built this company as brand owners, quality specialists and project managers. We know the difficult landscape of getting from idea to product, having to trust sourcing agents, sifting through opaque product marketplaces when switching manufacturers and keeping them in line.

We've visited factories ourselves and been appalled by what we've seen. From cutting corners on production lines, environmental and health hazards to even employee abuse. So we started building Veribuy as an internal tool to boost reliability through transparency and once we found our own success with it, we began offering our platform to help manufacturing relationships worldwide.

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